So, you have finally reached the point that every gambler focuses on when playing at an online casino – making a withdrawal. You have submitted the withdrawal and you’re now looking forward to receiving your winnings. However, there is one more key area that you should know about. Once you submit your withdrawal to the casino, it will then be placed in what is called a ‘pending period’, also known as the ‘reverse withdrawal’ time. Almost every online casino will have this feature when you submit your withdrawal.
When you place your withdrawal, regardless of the amount, it will always be placed into a pending period by the casino. You will usually be able to keep track your withdrawals in the cashier and it is here that you will be able to reverse your withdrawal, but more on that later on in the guide.
A pending period is the time in which your money sits in the account before the casino accounts department processes it and approves it, whereby your winnings will then be sent to your designated withdrawal method. This time can vary significantly from casino to casino and it is always a good idea to know the pending timeframes before you play. This way you know exactly what to expect should you get to make a withdrawal. Pending periods can last anything from a few hours up to a few days, depending on which online casino you are playing in. It is also important to note that some pending periods may not include weekends and only business days will count towards the period of time. Playtech casinos are commonly known to have a pending period of up to 4 days, while Microgaming casinos often only have a pending period of 24 – 48 hours. Casinos that have multi-platforms may have even less pending times. But again, checking these beforehand is always advisable. Other pending periods include 0-4 hours, 24 – 72 hours and 2-5 days.
While your withdrawal is in the pending status, most online casinos will give you the option to reverse that withdrawal which is often referred to as ‘rollback’. The reverse withdrawal feature is simply a facility that allows the player to reverse their pending cashout of funds. Once you have reversed the withdrawal, the funds will return to your casino account and you can continue playing. You can reverse the full amount of your withdrawal, while some online casinos may allow you to choose a partial amount that you wish to withdraw. Once the funds have been reversed, you are free to do with it as you wish, because, remember, any wagering has already been completed.
If you do decide to reverse your withdrawal, it can one of two ways. You can either win more and chose to withdraw a new amount or you will end up losing the funds or making a withdrawal at a lower amount. So, while you can continue playing without making a further deposit, the prospect of winning may be high at the time, but ultimately it could end up being a very bad decision. Should you be lucky enough to win even more money and make another withdrawal, the pending period for your withdrawal will start all over again. Still, always have in mind that the possibility of you losing your winnings is high and the casino always has the house edge.
There are certain casinos that will allow what is called ‘manual flushing’ of your withdrawal. This is particularly popular with some Microgaming casinos, but can depend on your loyalty level, as to whether or not this option is available to you. What this means is you can ask the casino ‘flush’ your withdrawal out of the pending process and straight into the queue for processing. This way there will be no reverse withdrawal available to you, and the temptation of reversing your hard earned winnings is then eliminated. However, many online casinos do not allow manual flushing. For those casinos that do allow this, you must contact the casino’s support team who will manually flush your withdrawal after your request. There are also some online casinos that automatically flush withdrawals. If the casino you are playing in has a long pending period, it certainly will not do any harm for you to contact the casino and politely ask for the withdrawal to be flushed.
The reverse withdrawal feature can be dangerous for those players who do not have self-control over their gambling. So, if you wish to remove the risk of gambling with your winnings before the withdrawal is processed, some players choose to self-exclude themselves for a predetermined length of time. However, this is in extreme circumstances. If you make a withdrawal and realise that you do not have self-control to wait until the withdrawal has been processed, you can self-exclude yourself. This can be done for the amount of time that is needed to see the withdrawal removed from the pending status and sent to them.
When choosing an online casino to play in you should look at more than just the bonuses they offer and pending times for your withdrawals is certainly one of those key areas you should always check.